What is Corporate Social Responsibility?

What is Corporate Social Responsibility and sustainability…

and what does it mean for my business?

“Corporate responsibility is sometimes known as corporate social responsibility. It is defined as the responsibility of an organisation for the impacts of its decisions on society and the environment above and beyond its legal obligations, through transparent and ethical behaviour.” UK Government

Deciding which CSR activities your business wants to get involved in is a very individual selection process and may depend on what sector you work in, what your real or perceived impacts are or what your company’s core values are.

An example of just a few CSR initiatives have been outlined below:

  • Resource management through waste reduction or energy efficiency
  • Responsible consumption and production such using fair trade ingredients
  • Ensuring equality and diversity are central to your workplace
  • Improving work standards and conditions within the supply chain
  • Working to achieve quality education by contributing to educational and social programmes
  • Developing employee volunteering opportunities to give back to the local community
  • Socially responsible investment

How we can support you on your CSR

We work across the whole of the UK, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, providing bespoke strategic advice, mentoring, training and support to businesses and organisations.

We can help your Board of Directors, central management team and employees better understand CSR and sustainability within the workplace, and can help you develop and integrate pathways towards achieving your sustainability goals that align with your overall, strategic vision.

We are trusted mentors across numerous Northern Ireland business support programmes and we can help you achieve your ambitions in a way that is straightforward, stress-free and rewarding for all.

Explore how we can support you by emailing Danielle at Danielle@triterra.co.uk or contact us on (0044) +7518096673.

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